- You are using SLT Replication server to replicate TM data from a SAPTM standalone system to an S/4HANA system.
- You set up archiving in LTRS -> Trigger Options, but didn't redefine the triggers.
- You noticed that archived data is getting deleted from your target system.
- Now you are trying to replicate the archived data using IUUC_CREATE_ARCHIVE_OBJECT, but there are only a few tables appearing.
- You can see that data are stored in the relevant tables (i.e. /SCMTMS/D_TORROT), but these tables are not showing in IUUC_CREATE_ARCHIVE_OBJECT.
- You have archived and deleted TOR documents from the SAPTM system. Due to the replication the deletion was also replicated to the S/4HANA system.
- Now you would like to reload the archived data into the S/4HANA system.
- S/4HANA embedded TM
SAP S/4HANA 1709 ; SAP S/4HANA 1809 ; SAP S/4HANA 1909 ; SAP S/4HANA 2020
SLT, replication server, archiving, reloading archived data, LTRS, IUUC_CREATE_ARCHIVE_OBJECT , KBA , TM-BF-ILM , Information Lifecycle Management , Problem
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