SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3041642 - The Field G/L Movement Type Is Missing On The Journal Entry Of Manual Posting For Fixed Assets


On the created journal entry of a manual posting for fixed asset, you notice that the field: "G/L Movement Type" is missing.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the General Ledger work center.
  2. Go to the Journal Entries view.
  3. Select the Journal Entries subview.
  4. Search for the ID: XXX (XXX stands for the ID of the journal entry; and the journal entry is of type: 00059 - Manual Posting for Fixed Assets).

Under the header Item Details: General, the field "G/L Movement Type" is missing.
This JE can also be accessed from the Fixed Assets work center > Edit values > Journal.


You are using a PDI accounting principle to which either the movement type is not assigned or the movement type is assigned without a valid from / valid to date.


  • The system derives the movement types depending on what is defined in the set of books.
  • The available movement types depend on what is available in the accounting principle. If the movement type is assigned to the accounting principle without a valid from / valid to date, the derivation of the field: "G/L Movement Type" does not happen.
  • If you are using a PDI accounting principle, you need to assign the movement type to this accounting principle and make sure the valid from / valid to date is maintained for the derivation of the field: "G/L Movement Type" to happen.
  • The accounting principle BO is FIA_ACCPRINC. In the BO node FIA_ACCPR_MOVTYPE_ASSGN, maintain valid from date and valid to date in order for the G/L movement types to be successfully derived for postings.
  • For predefined accounting principles, this issue usually does not happen as movement types with a valid from / valid to date are assigned.


G/L Movement Type, Fixed Asset, Manual Posting For Fixed Assets, Journal Entry. , KBA , fixed assets , manual posting , g/l movement type , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , Problem


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