You want the system to automatically propose the identified stock while confirming Supply Task as per FIFO strategy maintained at Site Level following Material Flow Rules. However, system does not propose an identified stock itself for the product.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Production Control Workcenter
- Go to Task Control view.
- Search and select the task for which you want the system to propose identified stock automatically.
- Choose the Confirm button.
- In the task confirmation screen, you see that the system does not automatically propose identified stock along with Source Logistics Area.
- In the Task screen, you do not see any value populated in the Identified Stock field even though the product is marked for mandatory identified stock selection. You expect the system to propose the identified stock automatically along with stock allocation.
You have not maintained the Allocation Scope and Allocation Type value for the logistics area from which you are picking the relevant product.
Go to Supply Chain Design Master Data work center.
Navigate to the Locations view.
Choose your Site and select the Edit Layout button.
Select the logistics area in which you expect the system to propose identified stock automatically in the Site Layout screen.
- In the General tab, under the header Inventory-Managed Details choose the value in the field Allocation Scope as Specific Stock and Allocation Type as Immediate Stock Allocation.
Choose Save and Close button.
- Once the above settings are maintained for a logistics area the system will propose identified stock automatically, provided proper material flow rules are maintained for the relevant site.
Supply Task, Identified Stock, Batch ID, Automatic Proposal, FIFO, FIFO rule, material flow rules , KBA , batch id , supply task , identified stock , fifo , allocation scope , material flow rules , AP-SDM , Supply and Demand Matching , Problem