Your scheduled Integration Center job is randomly encountering errors such as:
- GenericFileOperationFailedException: Failed due to - Cannot store file: [sftp-folder-path/filename.csv], or
- This session would exceed your concurrent session limit. Please disconnect one or more of your existing sessions and try again.
When you manually run (Run Now) the same Integration Center job - the job completes successfully.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM
- Integration Center
The above behavior happens when another job / interface is accessing the same SFTP directory / folder at the same time.
Generally, the above error is returned when another job is writing a file to the same SFTP directory / folder at the same time that the Integration Center job attempts to access and write the file.
If the above behaviour is occurring between your SF Systems / SFTP servers, please refer to the below steps:
- We recommend rescheduling jobs at different time intervals if multiple/all jobs are using the same SFTP folder
- Or alternatively - creating a new SFTP folder or dedicated SFTP folders (per each job) if possible
GenericFileOperationFailedException, SFTP, folder, folders, directory, directories, integration center, cannot store file, scheduled, destination, csv, This session would exceed your concurrent session limit. Please disconnect one or more of your existing sessions and try again, IC, integration centre , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , Problem