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3044314 - Secondary node show extreme slowness, later unable to connect and crash finally. -- SAP IQ


Secondary node shows extreme slowness, later unable to connect and crashes finally with stack trace.


I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 Warning db_CatalogTxnList::RollBack encountered active object... td:0x7fc3bc0e65d8 refCnt:2 mode:1 commitId:185015457 txnId:185015456

I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264782    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 519 (hos_attnexception); SQLCode: -299, SQLState: '57014', Severity: 16I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264782 [2188]: Statement interrupted by user
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882     **  Error from IQ connection:  SA connHandle: 1000215875  SA connID: 249  IQ connID: 0000264882  User: dbo
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882     **  Time of error:  2021-03-11 02:34:05
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882     **  IQ Version:  SAP IQ/16.0.110/13880/P/sp11.25
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882     **  OS info:  IQ built on: Enterprise Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.18-194.el5,  Executed on: Linux/../2.6.32-754.31.1.el6.x86_64/#1 SMP Mon Jun 15 08:08:31 EDT 2020/x86_64
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882     **  Command status when error occured:  COMMAND ACTIVE
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882     **  Command text:Statement text unavailable

I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 Dump all thread stacks at dblib/db_catalogchain.cxx:1445 for PID: 24279

    ***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************

I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882

===== Thread Number  140715340150528  (IQ connID: 0000264882) =====

I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1a9d9a2 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x32
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1a9e011 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1aa0663 DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x273
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad180f690 hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*, sigcontext*)+0x2e0
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad26e1696 db_CatalogTxnList::RollBack(unsigned int, st_database*)+0x5f6
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad26d0cfe db_Catalog::RollBack(unsigned long long, unsigned int)+0x5e
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad39460e3 st_txncb::RollbackToSavepoint(unsigned int)+0xf3
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad3954725 st_txnMgr::RollbackToSavepoint(unsigned int)+0x55
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad282cd0d db_RollbackToSavepoint::Execute()+0xdd
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad25e6cd2 st_command::DoCmdThroughResourceGate()+0x82
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad2642a65 st_iqtxn::RollbackToSavepoint(UIConnection*, unsigned int)+0x25
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1314368 UIQTxn_RollbackToSavepoint+0x18
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad2649d26 st_SAIQInterfaceInfo::callFunction()+0x26
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad26b7979 st_SAIQInterface::RunIQFunc(st_SAIQInterfaceInfo*)+0x1f9
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad264a767 st_SAIQInterface::Execute(int, void*, unsigned int (*)+0x217
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1ac5f2a saint_iqthresholdtxn::RollbackToSavepoint(IConnection*, unsigned int)+0x1ea
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6b4f4c6 UndoLog::ul_undo(a_composite_savepoint)+0x1e6
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6b4a61b DualUndoLog::ul_undo(a_composite_savepoint)+0x1b
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6b4b019 DB_Undo(Connection*, a_composite_savepoint, bool*)+0x129
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6de7951 DoExecuteStmt(Connection*, a_stmt*, a_statement*, a_stmt_identifier*, unsigned short, unsigned int)+0xcd1
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6dea5a4 SQLAEngineSupport::ExecSQLStringWithEscapes(a_servertype, char*, unsigned int)+0x184
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1ab5382 IQUtilityData::FetchDataFromCursor(IConnection*, void*)+0xd2
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffad1ab7d1c saint_iqthresholdddl::IQUtility(a_statement const*, IConnection*, ITable*)+0x38c
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6d0ed00 dbi_iq_utilities(Connection*, a_statement*)+0x150
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6de9046 DoExecuteStmt(Connection*, a_stmt*, a_statement*, a_stmt_identifier*, unsigned short, unsigned int)+0x23c6
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6d5eae2 exec_procedure_stmt(Connection*, a_context_ref*, a_statement*, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0x302
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6d5fe93 run_procedure(a_context_ref*, dfm_CallInfo*, unsigned int, Connection*, unsigned int)+0x353
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6d60cc7 call_procedure(Connection*, a_proc_def*, a_trigger_def*, a_base_expr*, a_procedure_arg*, unsigned int, a_db_cursor*, bool)+0xd7
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6d60ed3 DB_Exec_event_handler(Connection*, a_proc_def*)+0x43
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6c35960 EventHandler::do_request()+0x3d0
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6c2fb29 Worker::spawn(Procedure*)+0x49
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6df649c RQInternalBaseItem::do_work(Worker*)+0x3c
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6e40e66 RequestQueue::worker_body()+0x66
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6df738a request_task(void*)+0x6a
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff732578d run_task_body+0x2d
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6e419f7 UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+0x77
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff6504aa1 _fini+0x22aa40bd
I. 03/11 02:34:05. 0000264882 pc: 0x7ffff5ac3c4d _fini+0x22063269



 IQ 16.0 SP11 PL25-27


SAP IQ 16.0


db_CatalogTxnList::RollBack , dblib/db_catalogchain.cxx , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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