When changing indicator Recon. Account for Account Type in SSCUI 150001, error FH083 occurs.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Open SSCUI 150001 Manage G/L Account Master Data
2. Change indicator Recon. Account for Account Type for one account under specific company code.
In standard it is not possible to change the reconciliation account indicator if postings exist on the accounts. This is to ensure the data consistency.
The possible workaround is the following:
- Create a new account with the correct account assignment
- Post your items to the new account
SSCUI 150001, FH083, Manage G/L Account Master Data, Recon. Account for Account Type. , KBA , FI-FIO-GL-MD , Master Data Apps , FI-FIO-GL-MD-2CL , Master Data Apps (Public Cloud) , Problem