SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3045678 - Active group membership overview number not updated


  • Remove users from a permission group correctly however active membership number in manage permission groups has not updated
  • Add users to a permission group correctly however active membership number in manage permission groups has not updated
  • In both scenarios notice that it is updated within the group itself but not reflected in overview figure in manage permission groups.


SAP Successfactors HXM Suite

Reproducing the Issue

  1.  Remove users from permission group and save the changes.
  2.  Go to manage permission groups and notice for the group where users were removed - Active membership count remains the same
  3.  Select edit and notice within the group the active membership count is correct


Primary Causes of this issue include:

  • Caching issues
  • Network issues
  • team view leader is inactive


  • In order to resolve this, "Refresh Access Membership" job need to be re-triggered to refresh the cache.
  • As a workaround for the problem groups, RBP admins will need to add a user and then delete it so that to trigger the "Refresh Access Membership" job in provisioning.
  • make sure that the team view leader is an active user

See Also

2766870 - Role Based Permissions (RBP) Refresh Framework FAQ - SuccessFactors

2671469 - When permission change will be reflected when there's a change in assigned permission group members or target population?

2344584 - Access to Role-Based Permission Admin features

2116024 - Role-Based Permissions (RBP) - User Assistance Documentation - SuccessFactors

2751686 - Updates in Role Based Permissions (RBP) are not being replicated to users affected


RBP, Static, Dynamic, Refresh Access Membership, Cache, Caching, Role Based Permission, Not updating , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-DYG , Dynamic Groups (My Groups - Not RBP) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions