SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3046081 - SSL Certificate Renewal Reminders for Career Sites - Recruiting Marketing


  • SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting now proactively reminds organizations when their career site's SSL certificate needs to be renewed.
  • Is it possible to edit the SSL Certificate Renewal Reminders templates?
  • what are the unsubscribe options for the SSL expiration notifications?

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SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Marketing


Reminder Types

  • Email Notification: CSB administrators can enable a switch : Enable SSL Notification for specific users to receive email reminders as follow:

Note that as of release 1H2024 this setting is OFF by default for all new users.

The SSL certificate expiration email reminders provide details that help administrators identify the specific Recruiting career site certificate that is set to expire.
The email reminders include the following details:

  • RCM Company ID

  • Career Site Builder Site ID

  • Site Name

  • Career Site URL

  • Pop-up Message: Career Site Builder automatically displays a pop-up reminder about the pending expiration when anyone logs in as follows:

Expected Behavior

  • Email Notification is triggered (90 days, 60 days, 30 days, 7 days) before the certificate expiration:
  • Pop-up banner will be shown to all users with access to Site Configuration menu in CSB if the certificate is going to expire in less than 90 days:
    • Scenario 1: A pop up Banner will show with options to Remind me Later or Don't show this message again the message (show me the message next time I log in);
    • Scenario 2: If the users click on Don't show this message again so the banner will not show next time they log in.

NOTE :  It is not possible to customize the notification template of the SSL Certificate Renewal Reminders for Career Sites . This notification is system generated.

Note the pop up banner logic picks this expiry date from the database and compares to the current date to decide if the banner should be shown or not. This tasks runs once a day at 5 AM server time.
If your SSL has been renewed please wait until the next day before contacting support.

How to Unsubscribe from SSL Email Notifications

Mass deactivation of SSL subscription for all admin users:
As of release 1H2024 it is possible to deactivate the notification for all Admin users on Command center under the Additional Options section of a site's Site Details screen.
Note it is not possible to mass enable the notifications though.
After mass deactivation, notifications will have to be enabled individually at the user level. 

Unsubscribe option in SSL notification email:
As of release 1H2024 a link at the bottom of the email, labeled To unsubscribe from SSL Expiration Emails, click here, takes subscribers to the Manage Email Subscriptions page. Choosing the Unsubscribe button on the page shows the following message: If the information you provided matches an account, you will no longer receive email notifications about SSL expirations.


See Also

Updating the SSL Certificate for the Career Site

Setting Up Email Reminders About Expiring SSL Certificates


SSL, Renew, Notification, Popup, RMK-24272, RMK , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-CER , Certificate Renewal, IP Address, Domain , LOD-SF-RMK-CSB , Career Site Builder , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions


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