You are using the option to resubmit a PDF but the Sales Quotes Item Quantity is not updated in the new PDF.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to the Sales work center
- Access the corresponding sales quote
- Proceed to the Products facet
- Verify Line 10 and its Quantity
- Navigate to the Output tab and resubmit the PDF
- Note: The modifications are not reflected in the PDF
In this case, the Resubmit action on the Output facet only sends a duplicate of the selected output document. To resubmit sales quotes with latest quote data, please check the scoping question for bi-directional replicated sales quotes.
- The question 'Resubmit of Sales Quotes' is scoped: With this use a workflow for the action 'Reset Output Status'. With this, the output status will be reset after any quote change so that quotes can then also be submitted again
- The question 'Resubmit of Sales Quotes' is NOT scoped. With this, the resubmit shall also be possible. Which option is used depends on the customer's business use case and is customer's own decision
- Navigate to the Business Configuration work center.
- Proceed to the Implementation Projects view.
- Choose the project and click on the Edit Project Scope button.
- Move to the 4th step, labeled as Questions.
- Click to expand the Sales option.
- Further expand the New Business option.
- Choose the Sales Quotes.
- Finally, select or deselect the question: Do you want to control the reset of the approval status and output status via workflow rules?
The business option Re-Submit of Sales Quotes allows your company to control the approval status and/or the output status once a quote was already approved.
Without selecting this scoping question, each change in the quote (besides adding an attachment) changes the Approval Status to "Not Started" and an additional submit of the quote for approval and output is required to further process the quote.The automatic reset of the status on nearly any modify is deactivated by this scoping question. Instead, the reset can be configured based on conditions in the workflow rules via actions Reset Submit (both approval and output status) or action Reset Output Status (only output status).
Note, that a reset of the approval status is not possible if a quote with bidirectional replication to SAP OnPrem system exists.
See Also
Re-submit, Sales Quote, Item Quantity, wrokflow rules, reset approval, approval status, output status , KBA , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , How To