SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3047571 - Wrong Information in Registration Financial Details > Charged Amount LMS


Charged Amount and Refund Amount is not correctly displayed in the Class Registration Financial Details tab


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

Scenario 1

  1. User is registering for a fee-based course
  2. The original amount of CHF 1500 is visible within the menu "Registration Financial Details"
  3. Due to a change in costs for this specific user, the admin wants to refund the entire amount
  4. Admin goes to "Registration Financial Details" and clicks on "View Orders" / Order Number
  5. Admin adds Refund of CHF 1500 and clicks to "Apply Changes"
  6. Within the order details it is correctly shown, that the user pays CHF 0.00
  7. Within the menu "Registration Financial Details" neither the Refund Amount nor the Charged Amount are correct. Refund amount should be CHF 1500.00 and Charged amount should be CHF 0

Scenario 2

  1. Admin adds a user to a fee-based course on the admin side
  2. While adding, the course costs are still at the full amount CHF 1500
  3. Afterwards, the admin wants to change the price of this specific user to CHF 0.00
  4. Admin goes to menu "Registration Financial Details" and clicks on the pen
  5. Admin changes the price of this specific user from CHF 1500 to CHF 0 and saves the changes
  6. As a result, the price changed back to CHF 1500 and a refund amount of CHF 1500 was added
  7. However, the "Charged Amount" is still saying CHF 1500, it should be CHF 0.00
  8. Within the order details, however, the charged amount is correctly shown


As per our Product Management Team, this is working as expected.

"If the refund is done at the Order Level, Refund amount will not show from the Class Registration Financial Details, the Charged Amount will show.   For Line Item Refund then yes the Refund Amount is displayed, Charged Amount is shown and to see the Net amount then access the Order.  System is behaving as expected"


Customer may submit an enhancement request to have this functionality improved or changed to reflect the changes made on the Order Details on the Registration Financial Details tab.

Customer may follow the steps on how to submit enhancement request through the KBA:


Charged Amount and Refund Amount is not correctly displayed in the Class Registration Financial Details tab, charged amount incorrect, refund amount not displayed, Class Registration Details tab, financial details not displayed correctly , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-SCH , Class - Scheduled Offerings , LOD-SF-LMS-COM , Commerce , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2005 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 2011