SMPTP Email alerts are not sent because of below alert:
Alert Name : Runtime of the log backups currently running
Rating : Warning 1
Details : A log backup with ID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx has been running for longer than 59 seconds.
User Action: Investigate why the log backup runs for too long, and resolve the issue.
, exception 1: no.9001007 (StatisticsServerAsSQLScript/interfaces/smtp/SMTPClient.cpp:206) TID: 12181
Binary semaphore timed out
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007fff6f0f4c44 in StatisticsService::MailSenderCallback::semaTimedWait()+0x1b4 at SMTPClient.cpp:116 (
2: 0x00007fff6f0f4eb0 in StatisticsService::MailSenderCallback::receiveSMTPResponse(Stream::Channel&, int&, ltt::basic_string<char, ltt::char_traits<char>, ltt::integral_constant<int, 64> >&)+0x170 at string.hpp:603 (
SAP HANA Database
email, fail, HANA, alerts, database, notification, how to , KBA , HAN-DB-MON , SAP HANA Monitoring , Problem
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