- When Importing Global Information for Dependents, an Error message appears "This record was not saved because there were errors in other records for <Dependent ID>"
- When other fields that are marked as Non-Mandatory (Ex . Last Name (Official / at Birth), Highest Degree, First Name (Official), Salutation, Native Preferred Language, Nationality) are also supplied to the Import file, the Error no Longer appears.
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
Reproducing the Issue
- Import Employee Data -> Entity : Global Information, Fill it up for dependents
- An Error message comes up as above on the Screen preventing the Import
- The error happens because of error message "PERSONAL_INFO : Last Name (Official / at Birth), Highest Degree, First Name (Official), Salutation, Native Preferred Language, Nationality is a required field and cannot be blank: ECT_service_layer_REQUIRED_FIELD_EMPTY".
- These fields are configured as mandatory fields in the BCUI. It is available on PersonalInfo portlet when it is invisible on Dependent.PersonalInfo section
- There is a known gap In the Import, personalInfo metadata is shared by both employee personal and dependent personal.
- That means, Import behavior will always check the BCUI configuration of personalInfo. In the BCUI, these fields are mandatory fields.
To unblock for import, you can set these fields as mandatory = "No" for personalInfo and try the import again.
If you do not wish to maintain these fields (Last Name (Official / at Birth), Highest Degree, First Name (Official), Salutation, Native Preferred Language, Nationality) values for dependent personal before Import Dependent.GlobalInfo. They can make the BCUI configuration as below:
1) personalInfo: set Last Name (Official / at Birth), Highest Degree, First Name (Official), Salutation, Native Preferred Language, Nationality fields as mandatory="No"
2)personalInfo_employee: add same fields as personalInfo, set Last Name (Official / at Birth), Highest Degree, First Name (Official), Salutation, Native Preferred Language, Nationality fields as mandatory="Yes"
With above configurations:
- UI behavior: personalInfo portlet, these fields are mandatory; dependent portlet and personalInfo section, these fields are not mandatory
- Import Dependent GlobalInfo, it will not throw mandatory error for these five fields.
Expected behavior: If we allow empty for parent then this will cause incorrect data to be always present in the system and hence the need for validating this.
SF, EC, Success factors, Employee Central, ECT_service_layer , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-DPD , Dependents Management , Problem