SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3047688 - Configuration Transport Center - SAP SuccessFactors


Starting b2105 release, configuration center tool is now globally available for customers to use. The tool simplifies the user's experience around configuring change management process, viewing configurations, and supporting towards logging quality case when customers encounter any configuration issue.

Starting 2H 2023 release, Configuration Center is now called as Configuration Transport Center.

Configuration Center Renamed to Configuration Transport Center | SAP Help Portal


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite


Configuration Transport Center vs Instance Refresh Tool:

It is important that customers have options on the tools they can use to sync data and configuration from one instance to another, depending on their implementation and business needs. Currently, we offer 3 self-service tools which you can utilize. Below is a matrix which shows the differences between configuration center, instance synchronization and instance refresh tool. 

Note: You can click on the column names to direct you to the respective admin guides for each tool.

 Configuration CenterInstance Refresh
1. Copy data only XX
2. Copy configuration onlyX
3. Selective copy - Data & Configuration XX
4. Full copy - Data & ConfigurationX

Pre-requisites for Configuration Transport Center:

Depending on the module configuration you want to download or transport using the tool, certain settings are needed to be enabled for both SOURCE and TARGET instances. Full list of pre-requisites can be found in this section of the admin guide.

Demo - Configuration Transport Center tool:

How to Use Configuration Center To Download or Transport Configurations

Supported module configurations for Configuration Transport Center tool [as of b2105 release]:

  • Employee Central
  • People Profile
  • Talent Management
  • Qualtrics
  • Goal Management
  • 360 Reviews Configurations 

Full list of supported configuration per module area can be found in this SAP Community Blog post.

Note: As per current product roadmap, 1H 2024 release onward Configuration Transport Center will support all artifacts supported in Instance Sync Tool.

Limitations for Configuration Transport Center tool:

  • Talent  Cross-Talent Configuration: When you transport rating scales or route maps from the source tenant to the target tenant, if there's a rating scale or route map with the same name in the target tenant, it's replaced with the transported one.
  • The maximum limit of the bundle description is 255 characters.
  • The maximum limit of the bundle name is 32 characters and only alphanumeric characters are supported.
  • You cannot view or download MDF Object Definitions whose visibility is set to Not Visible.
  • You cannot view or export MDF Object Definitions whose visibility is set to Read Only or Not Visible.
  • Route Maps that have name with special characters like / , \ * etc. are either not displayed in Configuration Center or displayed with different names/duplicated. This is a known limitation at present.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Can I see the sync report from Instance Synchronization Tool into Configuration Center or vice versa?
    Answer: No, Sync reports from Instance Synchronization Tool will not be visible in Configuration Center or vice versa.

  2. Do I need to buy license to use Configuration Center? 
    Answer: No need, it is completely free for customers.

  3. What is the different between Download Mode vs Transport Mode?
    Answer: Please choose Download Mode in Configuration Transport Center when you want to download configurations from your logged in tenant to back up or share it with someone. If you would like to migrate your configurations from one of your tenant to other tenant ex: Test -> Preview.

  4. What is different between MDF Object Definition import between Configuration Transport Center and Instance Synchronization Tool?
    Answer: Configuration Transport Center uses ‘Incremental Purge’ vs ‘Full Purge’ MDF Import in Instance Synchronization Tool.

  5. Have Configuration Transport Center replaced instance sync tool?
    Answer: Yes. The vision for configuration transport center is to manage configurations from a central place.  The Instance Synchronization Tool will be Deleted on November 15, 2024 as per SAP Help Portal Deprecation of the Instance Synchronization Tool.
    NOTE: As a replacement, the Configuration Transport Center is on the same place as the Instance Sync Tool. You can access from Instance Refresh Center > select Copy configuration.

  6. What will happen to instance refresh tool?
    Answer: Instance refresh tool serves different purpose. Instance refresh is a process of copying data and configuration from one of tenants into another. Basically, instance refresh creates an identical copy of customer tenant in the target tenant. Configuration center allows to view and download only configurations and selectively transport the configurations across tenants. We recommend you evaluate your need and use the right tool.

  7. When will configuration transport center have broader support outside of Employee Central?
    Answer: We are continuously working on providing broader support in an incremental manner. Our official roadmap would reflect our plans for upcoming releases.

  8. Can I edit the configurations from configuration transport center itself?
    Answer: Not in the EAC program version of Configuration Center. Editing configuration from configuration center itself is a part of the broader vision. SuccessFactors will be evaluating this capability. However, for now, configuration center will provide hyperlink which will navigate you to the page from where configurations could be edited. For example, if the configuration exposed in configuration center is MDF object definition, when you click on the hyperlink of a particular external code, a new tab showing configure object definition will open up in your browser displaying all the information regarding the selected external code.

  9. Will configuration transport center provide configuration change audit capabilities?
    Answer: Currently, we are evaluating the requirement around configuration change audit capability. Please provide your inputs to us through Product Enhancement Request Form or through EAC program feedback. However, we are displaying last modified by and last modified date against configurations exposed within configuration center, wherever this information is available. This information is available for download as well.

  10. What is the format of the download file?
    Answer: Downloaded files are available in the native format. For example - excel, xmls, etc.

  11. Are there options to filter the configurations that I will download or transfer inside of Configuration Transport Center?
    Answer: After b2211 release, you have the ability to apply filters to narrow down your search results to view and download the required configurations or to transport the required configurations from one tenant to another. You can use the "Last Modified By" and "Modified In" filter options to search for configurations.

   16. What are the options for Override Dependencies and MDF Data References using Configuration Transport Center?

         Answer: After b2311 release, you have the ability to  include Foundation Object dependencies and/or MDF Data references to a bundle, or exclude them from the bundle before transporting the bundle from one tenant to another using Transport Configuration Center. Click here for more details.

   17. Can we restrict Admins from Duplicating Configurations Across Multiple Bundles Using Configuration Transport Center? 

    Answer:   After b2311 release, You have an option to prevent admins from adding configurations that already exist in a bundle . You need to enable "Restrict users  from adding same configurations across multiple transport bundles using Configuration Transport Center setting" in the Platform Feature Settings page .If this feature is  enabled, the system will validate if same configurations are added in the multiple  bundle  and restricts the addition of duplicates. If this feature is disabled ,the duplicate configurations will be added to the multiple bundles but when you initiate  transport configurations that exist in multiple bundles resulting in transport process fail. You can view the report to see the details of the failed configuration .You can reconfirm transport either by removing the conflicting configurations from the other bundles or transport the bundle along with the configurations that are present in more than one bundle. In addition to enable this feture on Pltform Feature Settings is required having the following Role-Based Permissions:

  • You have the Administrator  Configuration Transport Center  Access to transport configurations permission.

  • You have the view permission for User  Miscellaneous Permissions  ConfigBundleDefinition. 

  • You have the view permission for User  Miscellaneous Permissions  ConfigBundleDefinition.pathEntries (BundleDefinitionConfigNode). 

  • You have the view permission for User  Miscellaneous Permissions  ConfigBundleDefinition.uncategorizedConfigNodes (BundleDefinitionUncategorizedConfigNodes). 

Check more details about this on the following Help Portal link: Restrict Admins from Duplicating Configurations Across Multiple Bundles Using Configuration Transport Center  

    18. Can we copy existing transport bundles under Bundle Management in  Configuration Transport Center?

     Answer: As part of 2H 2024 release , we have introduce new "Copy" feature to copy existing transport bundles in Configuration Transport Center.The Copy option appears for bundles which are created in the last 30 days, irrespective of the bundle status.Click here for more details

See Also

SAP Help Admin Guides:

Knowledgebase Articles:


instance sync, instance refresh, configuration center, copy, sync, configuration, transport, download, 1H 2021, 2105, tools, implementation, data and copy configuration , selective copy , LOD-SF-PLT-IST, IST , restrict admins in configuration center, override dependencies , MDF object references, Foundation object dependencies, configuration transport center, sf , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-CGC , Configuration Center , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite 2211