SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3048997 - What is Bulk Send feature - DocuSign


  • What is Bulk Send in DocuSign
  • Single Recipient Bulk Send:
    Example use case
    User permission requirements
    Create a bulk send recipient list
    Send an envelope using bulk send

  • Bulk Send for Multiple Recipients:
    User permission requirements
    Prepare your template for the bulk send
    Prepare your documents to accommodate data from bulk recipient file
    Generate a customized CSV file for the bulk recipient list
    Recipient authentication information
    Bulk send from a template



SAP Signature Management by DocuSign


SAP Signature Management 1.0 by DocuSign ; SAP Signature Management 2.0 by DocuSign


esignature, bulk send, sending, identification, phonenumber, SMS, phone, Live ID, access code, email, name, Example CSV File, bulk list import, export, errors, import a bulk list, finish , KBA , XX-PART-DSN , SAP Signature Management by DocuSign , How To

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