I posted jobs on Arbetsformedlingen job board in Recruiting Posting, but they are not published.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting
There may be several causes when a job is not published on Arbetsformedlingen:
- The job board accepts only the jobs posted by the Sweden company
- The Adjusted Swedish organization number is not correct
- The Client ID is not correct
- The postal code and/or city name is not correct
- The field "Address (street)" is too big - you should limit this field to basic information (avoid floors, hamlet, etc.)
When posting jobs on Arbetsformedlingen make sure that:
- The posting profile address is in Sweden
- The "Adjusted Swedish organization number" has the format 46-XXXXXX-XXXX (where X stands for digits)
- Ensure that the accurate client ID is supplied by the job board
- Ensure that the city value is unambiguous and abstain from supplementary details such as country or region codes.
- Verify the accuracy of both the city and postal code.
See Also
2563733 - Job posting is not published on job boards - Recruiting Posting
2732643 - Wrong location on job board - Recruiting Posting
RPO, Recruiting Posting, Arbetsformedlingen, Swedish, Prefix, Job , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-JOB , Job Offer not to be found/ to be removed to Job Boards , LOD-SF-RPO-JSM , Job Boards/Schools Management , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting all versions