SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3050228 - POB Allocated Invoiced Amount Different to Sales Order Item's Invoiced Revenue Amount


You complete all items of a Sales Order. When checking the POB IDs of the associated  Revenue Acccounting Contract (RAC) you notice that the Allocated Invoiced Amounts of the POB items are different to the associated Sales Order items' Invoiced Revenue amounts.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In the Cost and Revenue work center go to the Sales Document items view. 
  2. Use the Sales Order Items view. 
  3. Select the items of Sales Order ABC by searching for ABC* in the search field (ABC represents the Sales Order ID).
  4. The items ABC-AA, BB, CC, DD appear. (AA, BB, CC, DD represent different Sales Order item IDs). 
  5. First, navigate to the Dates tab and verify that for all items a Final Delivery or Invoice Date is displayed. 
  6. Then, access the RAC XYZ from the Revenue Accounting Contract collumn (XYZ represents the RAC ID). 
  7. After a Sales Document Item is completed the Allocated Invoice amount is automatically calculated for the associated POB ID (You might have to add the Allocated Invoiced Amount collumn to the screen via Personalization Mode). 

You notice that the Allocated Invoiced Amount of the POB IDs is different to the Invoiced Revenue amounts of the Sales Order items.

You also notice that the total  Invoiced Revenue amount equals the total Allocated Invoiced Amount. Example is as follows.

  1. In the Sales Document Items view select item ABC-AA.
  2. Navigate to the Accounting Data tab. 
  3. Here, the Invoiced Revenue appears: -750,00 LC (LC=Local Currency). 
  4. Access the RAC. 
  5. The associated POB ID XYZ-AA displays an Allocated Invoiced Amount of 640,00 LC. 
  6. Check the other Sales Order Items and associated POBs. You notice the sales order items' Invoiced Revenue amounts are different to the Allocated Invoiced Amounts.


In the same proportional manner, as a Sales Document Item's Allocated amount is calculated based on the Standalone Selling Price (SSP), also the Allocated Invoiced Amount of the POB IDs is calculated on a proportional basis.


The formula to calculate a POB ID's Allocated Invoiced amount is:

(SSP of POB ÷ Total SSP of all Sales order Items/POB IDs of the RAC)  x Total Invoiced Revenue amount.


  • Total SSP: 3000,00 LC
  • Total Invoiced Revenue: 3200,00 LC
Sales Order Item POB ID POB SSP Invoiced Revenue Formula Allocated Invoiced Amount
ABC-AA XYZ-AA   600,00 LC 750,00 LC   (600/3000) x 3200=  640,00 LC
ABC-BB XYZ-BB 1200,00 LC 1100,00 LC (1200/3000) x 3200 = 1280,00 LC
ABC-CC XYZ-CC   700,00 LC 600,00 LC   (700/3000) x 3200 = 746,67 LC
ABC-DD XYZ-DD   500,00 LC 750,00 LC   (500/3000) x 3200 = 533,33 LC
Total:  3000,00 LC 3200,00 LC 3200,00 LC

See Also

 IFRS 15 / ASC 606: Revenue Recognition Accounting


Allocated Invoiced Amount, Invoiced Revenue, POB, RAC , KBA , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To


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