SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3050294 - Stories in People Analytics - Known Issues


This Knowledge Base Article (KBA) lists the most reported issues for Stories in People Analytics.

In the spirit of transparency and mutual success, we sincerely appreciate your partnership as we, together, identify and report the status of issues associated with these releases.

If you are looking for a list of defects which have been identified as part of the latest release, please check the KBA: 2692971


  • SAP SuccessFactors People Analytics
  • SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite


 Open Issues

NumberIssueSteps to Reproduce the issueWorkaround in KBAInternal Tracking IDStatus 
1Reports are automatically shared with end-users 
  • Import a report from Content Store.
  • You will see a shared icon beside the report but you have not shared the report with any user.
2Customised & Renamed Template from Content Store Overwritten When New Import of Template from Content Store is Completed
  • Import report from Content Store
  • Rename template from Content Store 
  • Edit the renamed report & customise the report. 
  • Save the Report 
  • Import same original report from Content Store
  • Original report is overwritten with original report template from Content Store



3When you create queries using columns from various connected tables (auto joins), your browser might crash with an Out of Memory error message.. Hence, the "SourceQuery" must be OptimizedWhen you edit a Story, the "sourceQuery" attribute, value of which has about 150,000 characters,  this attribute seems to be added twice for each of the queries in the batch. This need to avoided to make the request size half. 3071139FPA87-3840Open
4Getting SAC page intermittently instead of People Analytics query designer page

While trying to create a new story from Report Center, user is navigated to SAC page intermittently. 

[Update]Clicking browser Back button after opening a Story frequently leads to this screen and not report centre.

Complete a hard refresh of the browser Ctrl + Shift + R. Do not use the back button function and only navigate using SuccessFactors UI. 






Cannot find Autojoin columns in Advanced Filtering in Stories.

Some fields are missing in Advanced Filtering e.g. Business Unit, Department, Location

  1. Create a new Story report
  2. In the query designer select a table e.g. Job Information
  3. Select a couple of fields e.g. Business Unit Code and Name
  4. Go to Advanced Filtering
  5. Try to apply a filter on these fields
  6. Cannot find the fields Business Unit Code or Name
Query Designer Changes are not reflected in Story Designer
  • Go to reporting
  • Edit a Story Report
  • Edit the Data Source
  • Add a field
  • Click on Finish
  • See that newly added fields are available for aggregated tables but not for non-aggregated:


Divide operation in calculated column of Report story throwing error
  1. Login to SuccessFactors BizX and go to Report Center
  2. Create a simple story with below calculated column condition
  3. ([value1]/[value2])*100
  4. Preview the query


FPA58-1597 / FPA97-113Open

Child Object Fields are not getting displayed in the Query Validation Tool Edit Screen.

  1. Create Story with Education object e.g Employee Profile#Background Information#Education
  2. Now rename the new column
  3. Navigate to the Admin Center --> Manage Business configuration -->Employee Profile --> Background Elements --> education
    here rename to some other name
  4. Now Run or Edit the story from Report Center here you can see the error message
  5. Navigate to the Query Designer and then preview
  6. Now Query Validation Tool check the fields from "User Information" Composition(Child) object are not displaying only Child Object name is displaying


Header labels are not being translated on People Analytics Story reports.
  1. Create a data source on one language e.g. English.
  2. Add fields to the query and add to a table widget and save the story
  3. Go to the settings from SuccessFactors and change the language e.g. Portuguese
  4. The column headers will not be translated, only the data within the output of the report
Duplicate records in Story report due to selection of Foundation object fields
  1. Create a story report by selecting fields like Assignment ID and Foundation object fields from Non-MDF object
  2. In the output we can see there are multiple records for a user.




When we create a simple Story report on fields like Business Unit Name, Department Name, Cost center Name so on, and Preview the Query in the output we can see ID's instead of Values.

  1. Create Simple Story report on Job Information object and
  2. Select fields like Business Unit Name, Department Name, Cost center Name
  3. Under Selected Columns Semantic Type is showing as Measure by default





When a user tries to Proxy as non-Story admin user and tries to duplicate a Shared Story report they are getting below error

"Error while copying artifact"

  1. Login into instance with Support access
  2. Proxy as Non-Story admin user 
  3. Try to Duplicate a Shared Story report, can see below error.
  4. Error while copying artifact
3373505 Open

Labels in Foundation Objects (such as Location, Pay Component etc.) in Stories are not getting changed when you change the system locale to another language.

 3338484ECT-209058 Tentative b2505

SAC Query Designer Behavior when qualifying a Boolean column as a dimension or measure

  1. Create a new Story report
  2. Select Boolean field like vacant from Position object
  3. Click on Column overview Section 
  4. Can see field semantic Type is shown as Measure




Issue while joining "Role Based Permission" related objects with User schema.

  1. Login to the instance
  2. Navigate to Report Center
  3. Create a New Story -> Select "SAPSFSFREP" connection
  4. Drag and drop "Basic User Information" object and expand it in Query Designer
  5. Under "Available Data" >Expand "Role Based Permission"
  6. Drag and drop any object like Role Information /Permission /Data Access Period (Except "Rule information" object which is immediate join).
  7. Can see that it leads to error.



When Country Specific Compensation Information object is linked with Job Information --> Compensation Information object in Query Designer of Story report we can see for some of the users duplicate records are seen in output.

  1. Create a new Story report
  2. Link Job Information with Compensation Information object in Query designer.
  3. Can see only one record in output
  4. If we add Country Specific Compensation object to link, then we can multiple records in output



Custom schemas are missing under 'Create Story' Permission in RBP

  1. Navigate to Manage Permission Role
  2. Edit an existing role/create a new role
  3. Click on permission -> Go to Report Permission section. 
  4. Custom schemas are missing under 'Create Story' Permission.

INC7862106, AYT-55493


Blank value in Benefit dependent related data in Story

  1. Log into the SuccessFactors
  2. Navigate to report center
  3. Create a new Story report
  4. Select connection: SAPSFSFREP
  5. Add the table from Dependent schema: Benefit enrolment -> Dependent Nominee -> Dependent Biographical information
  6. Data in the table Dependent Biographical information is blank

INC8219208, BEN-17381 


No data in "National ID Card Type" field in Story Report

1. Login to the instance
2. Navigate to Report Center
3. Create New/Edit the affected Story Report 
4. Add the "National ID Card Type" field from "National ID Information" Object 

5. Observe that in few particular scenarios the "National ID Card Type" field is blank.

  • SCENARIO 1: Default label of Card Type
  • SCENARIO 2: For any new label added through data model
  • SCENARIO 3: Any existing label change for any particular locale
  • SCENARIO 4: Any deletion of locale-label

ECT-232054, ECT-216765


Sorting is being removed after saving the Data source in Story Reports [ODE]

  1. Login to the instance
  2. Navigate to Report Center
  3. Run the affected ODE Story Report 
  4. Observe that there are sorts applied on the "Non-aggregated list" table widget
  5. Edit the same Story report -> Under "Tools"-> "Edit Data source" -> make a selection.
  6. Navigated to Query Designer page -> Click on "Finish"
  7. Notice that you are redirected to Designer page and  the Story is saved. However, you will also observe that the two Sorts applied are removed from the Table widget with the message "More than one sort operation was removed" is displayed.
  8. Also, observe that there are additional new columns added in the " "Non-aggregated list" table widget which displays the Code of few fields and Measures/Dimensions Disappear from the builder.



Unable to Preview Query/Finish i.e., Preview Query/Finish for existing Story Report leads to below error

"Failed to create the query. For assistance, please contact your administrator or the SAP Product Support team, if needed.

1)    Navigate to Report center
2)    Edit existing Story Report -> Edit Data Source
3)    Click on "Preview Query/ Finish"
4)    Below error is observed:
Failed to create the query. For assistance, please contact your administrator or the SAP Product Support team, if needed.
Correlation ID: XXXXXXXXXX
NOTE: Below error is observed in the Browser's Network logs:
    "error": {
        "status": 500,
        "errorCode": "0",
        "message": "Internal Server Error",
        "target": null,
{                 "message": "NullPointerException: error occurred"             }



Some existing Story Report keep loading at 'Loading your Story' page [Unknown error. Please see console log for details]

  1. Login SF instance and access Report Center
  2. Execute the Impact Story Report by opening this story in both View and Edit modes.
  3. The impacted Story Report will keep loading at 'Loading your Story' page, sometimes there will be error message [Unknown error. Please see console log for details]
  4. From network log we could see the error when Request this URL:



Payscale related fields are not showing up in Country Specific Job info Objects in Story report

  1. Login into instance
  2. Create a new Story report
  3. under Employment -> Drag and Drop Job information object -> Link this to Country specific object like China Job Info
  4. Can see fields related to PayScale are missing




Resolved Issues

NumberIssueSteps to Reproduce the issueFix DateInternal Tracking IDStatus 

Story report is not following RBP of Foundation Object's override restrictions.

1. In the RBP role, under Miscellaneous Permissions category - Position Object - one of the foundation objects (Ex: Pay Grade column) has been restricted.
2. The pay grade column permission has been mentioned as 'NO ACCESS' in the role as shown above or READ ONLY to specific target population.
3. That means, story report should not fetch the data of Pay Grade column of Position object/should not fetch for target population which restricted.

To verify that,

1. Go to report center.
2. Create a new Story report.
3. Select Position domain - select Pay Grade column.
4. Story report fetch the data for Pay Grade column in the report.

3338743AYT-52803Fixed in B2405

When user tries to fetch Emergency Contact Address Information in Story report, it is Empty.

  1. Create a Story in Query Designer
  2. By Joining Personal Information -> Biographical Information -> Primary Emergency Contact --> Addresses 
  3. Select any field from Addresses object
  4. Preview Query can see data is Empty
3276351ECT-211612Fixed in b2405

Boolean fields from MDF objects are not listed in Query designer calculated column in story report

  1. Create a new story
  2. Add a Boolean field from MDF object to the query
  3. Create a calculated column
  4. The Boolean field isn't shown in the calculated column

3434506 (Archived)


Sub objects are not expanding in Query Designer Search

  1. Login into instance 
  2. Create a new Story report
  3. In Query Designer under Search if we try to expand any Sub Object like Division, Department, User from a Main object like Job information, it keeps on Loading
  4. If we drag and Drop Main object, then sub object under search expands without any issues



See Also

3074269 - Report Stories will no longer be lost when user is deleted from SAP Analytics Cloud (embedded) system after IPS User Sync

3074043 - How to Sync one user in IPS - People Analytics 

3025688 - People Analytics Story - Columns limits for Story Creation

3071139 - Out of Memory issue for People Analytics Report Stories for Complex Stories

2993273 - Data Model, Metadata or Configuration changes not applying for existing Story queries - People Analytics

3022943 - Customised & Renamed Template from Content Store Overwritten When New Import of Template from Content Store is Completed

3025334 - Imported Reports from Content Store show a shared icon

3091338 - Divide operation in calculated column of Report story

3117183 - Query Designer Changes are not reflected in Story Designer

3075040 - Columns missing Advanced Filtering - People Analytics

3032117 - User intermittently gets SAC page and the message "The resource does not exist, or you do not have permission to read it" - People Analytics Report Story


People Analytics, Report Stories, SAC, PARS, Embedded Analytics, Stories, Known Issues, Fixes, Workaround , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-SAC , Stories in People Analytics , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions