SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3050560 - Revise Purchase Order Notification is Triggered for Multiple Users


Multiple users are receiving "Revise Purchase Order" notification even though they are not buyer responsible or approver or creator of the purchase order.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Purchase Requests and Orders work center
  2. Select Open tasks view 
  3. Or Go to Home work center->Inbox view to find the task 


Revise Purchase Order task is raised because an approver returns a purchase order for revision to the employee responsible.

The task is relevant to all employees to whom the Purchase Orders view is assigned and who have authorization for this purchase order. So, all users who have access to this purchase order will get this notification.


The user receives this task  under Purchase Requests and Orders work center->purchase orders view-> open tasks.

 If you don't want to receive the task then you can restrict the purchase order read/write access under "Access Restrictions" in Application and User Management - Business Users-> Edit Access Rights.

See Also

 Refer Help Document:Task – Revise Purchase Order


Revise Purchase Order task, e-mail notification for purchase order , KBA , task notification , revise purchase order , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , Problem


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