SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3050587 - You are Getting Error on Supplier Invoice: "Posting not possible; referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval"


You are unable to post supplier invoice for purchase orders which are open for invoicing due to error:"Posting not possible; referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval", although there are no purchase orders in approval status.


 SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Supplier Invoicing work center
  2. Select Invoice Entry view
  3. Select Orders to be Invoiced
  4. Create new invoice
  5. Error: "Posting not possible; referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval".

OR, when an invoice is already created but the invoice is having the exception : Posting not possible; referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval

  1. Go to Supplier Invoicing work center
  2. Select Invoices and Credit Memos view
  3. Search for the Invoice ABC 
  4. In exceptions tab , error is "Posting not possible; referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval"


This error may occur due to lock issue. A business task gets created for that purchase order: "Solve Lock Issue in Order Supplier Invoice Request to Process Invoicing Due Notification Sent by Purchase Order".

If the user related to that purchase document (e.g. creator/buyer responsible etc) are locked, such errors can occur.


Kindly unlock the users and then try to create the invoice.

To avoid such issues in future, please do not lock the relevant users until the purchase process is completed.


Referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval, Solve Lock Issue in Order Supplier Invoice Request to Process Invoicing Due Notification Sent by Purchase Order, user locked, business document locked, Posting not possible; referenced purchase order in supplier invoice contains values that are in approval , KBA , supplier invoice posting , referenced purchase order , solve lock issue , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , Problem


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