SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3050667 - How to change date format of a Model variable based on a live BW connection in Dynamic Text


The date format of a Model variable based on a live BW connection in Dynamic Text is MM DD, YYYY


  • SAP Analytics Cloud

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a Model include date format variable based on BW live connection.
  2. Create a story and add Text to the story vanvas.
  3. Click Input Control, add the Model which is created in the first step.
  4. Click Text->。。。> Add->Dynamic Text.
  5. Click Model Variables.
  6. Select a date variable.
  7. Create.
  8. Notice that the date format is MM DD, YYYY.


This symptom is by design.


  1. Profile.
  2. Profile settings.
  3. Edit.
  4. Change Date Formatting to your favorite one.
  5. Save.
  6. Close.
  7. Open the story and check date format again, the date format will be changed.


KBA , LOD-ANA-DES , Story Design & Visualizations , How To


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0