SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3051484 - Frequently Asked Questions: Purchase Order – Pricing


The document includes pairs of questions and answers about the Purchase Orders Apps related to Pricing topic.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


Catalog of Questions 

Q1: Why is a specific cost center or a specific G/L account not found when I search using the value help (F4)

Q2: Why can’t I display the commitment in a newly created purchase order?

 Q3: Why must the two fields “Goods Receipt” and “Goods Receipt-Based Invoice Verification” have the same value?

Q4: What does G/L stand for?

Q5: What does the abbreviation CO mean?

Q6: How is freight added?

Q7: How can I prevent the automatic transfer of manual pricing conditions from one item to another in a PO?

Q8: Why do I get locked out whilst working in S/4HANA in service orders, service contracts or projects?

Q9: The error “Condition DCD1 cannot be processed manually” is shown. What causes this issue and how can it be avoided in the future?

Q10: Why are unit price and net amount set to 0.0 in the Output form?

Questions and answers

1: Why is a specific cost center or a specific G/L account not found when I search using the value help (F4)

Answer: If you want to search a cost center successfully, use a wild card character “*” before and after your search string, for example: “*1010*”. Then the fuzzy search will propose all cost centers or G/L accounts that match the entered string by 80% at least.


2: Why can’t I display the commitment in a newly created purchase order?

Answer: The commitment update must have been released for the accounting object. In case of a cost center, a user with the role Cost Accountant – Overhead can do this as follows: -Open the Manage Cost Centers app. -Go to the Control tab. -Check whether the control indicator Lock Commitment Updates has been switched off.


3: Why must the two fields “Goods Receipt” and “Goods Receipt-Based Invoice Verification” have the same value?

Answer: If you decide that a service entry sheet is to be created, this also means that the invoice is to be based on the goods receipt that is created in the background once a service entry sheet has been approved. Therefore, in this case you also have to select the GR-Bsd Inv. Verif. indicator.


4: What does G/L stand for?

Answer: G/L stands for General Ledger.


5: What does the abbreviation CO mean?

Answer: CO stands for Cost Object.


6: How is freight added?

Answer: Freight can be added as surcharge (absolute or procentual value) in the pricing conditions. Furthermore, freight for a purchase order belongs to the master data in the category pricing. The system uses this as well as prices, discounts for materials and business partners, surcharges, sales taxes, and planned costs for customs to calculate a net value in a business document.


7: How can I prevent the automatic transfer of manual pricing conditions from one item to another in a PO?

Answer: Notice that the info record is being updated by the changed PO item if you do not flag the info update check box.


8: Why do I get locked out whilst working in S/4HANA in service orders, service contracts or projects?

Answer: Please consider maintaining the exchange rate by referring to KBA 2575708.


9: The error “Condition DCD1 cannot be processed manually” is shown. What causes this issue and how can it be avoided in the future?

Answer: If the condition DCD1 is set as Header condition, changes made will be applied to all items. For example, in the purchase order: 1) Go to section ‘Delivery and Invoice’ 2) Enter a value either via field ‘Terms of Payment’ or directly in field ‘Days 1 / In Percent’ Then, the condition type DCD1 is set on header level and applies to all items. If you want to give a specific discount for an item, another discount condition type should be used or created. For example, you may use condition type DRN1.


10: Why are unit price and net amount set to 0.0 in the Output form?

Answer: The reason for the price and net amount to be set to 0.0 lies in a customizing change to the print indicators in the pricing procedure. To solve this issue, please set the Print Type to “a at item: General” for relevant pricing procedure using SSCUI – 101117 – Set Pricing Procedure.


KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-PO , Fiori UI for Purchase Orders , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , MM-PUR-GF-PR , Price Determination , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions