The error below is occurring in an Upsert on EmpCompensation entity:
"Unable to find a CompInfo record matching the time slice of this PayComponentRecurring record. Review the data and try again."
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- OData API
Confirm if the employee being upserted does have an EmpCompensation record matching the effective date of the PayComponentRecurring record being sent.
If the error occurs in a batch upsert, please send the EmpCompensation record first and then the PayComponentRecurring afterwards in the upsert order.
COE_GENERAL_SERVER_FAILURE, compinfo, comp info, PayComponentRecurring, odata, api, upsert, batch, insert, create, update, 500, error, fail, sf, successfactors, , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-EC , Employee Central SFAPI & OData Entities , Problem