SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3055384 - You Cannot Configure Error When Setting Security for a Competency Object in Center of Capabilities


When Setting Up Security for a Competency Object an error is displayed when saved:

You cannot configure.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Center of Capabilities

Reproducing the Issue

To Set Up Security for a Competency Object:

  1. Go to Admin Center > Configure Object Definitions
  2. Choose Search > Object Definition > Competency
  3. Go to Take Action > Make Correction
  4. Choose Security and perform the following steps to complete the form:
  5. Select Yes for the Secured field
  6. Choose Miscellaneous Permissions from the Permission Category dropdown
  7. Leave the RBP Subject User field blank
  8. Select No for the CREATE Respects Target Criteria field
  9. Save

    You cannot configure CapabilityLibraryStructureVH as the value help for field Library because there is a mismatch in the data source configuration.
    You cannot configure CapabilityCategoryVH as the value help for field Category because there is a mismatch in the data source configuration.
    You cannot configure CapabilityGroupVH as the value help for field Group because there is a mismatch in the data source configuration.   



MDF Object Definition To DB SYNC job is not running.


Contact your Implementation Partner or Product Support to run the MDF Object Definition To DB SYNC job from Provisioning.

Customers has the possibility to directly run this job from the Admin Center, however the prerequisite is that it was previously created at least once from Provisioning. For more information, please check the KB Article 2534674.

See Also

KB Article 2534674 - How To Fix Inconsistencies In Metadata Framework (MDF)


sf, success factors, successfactors, COC, can't setup security, MDF Object Definition To DB SYNC, job, configure, configuring, configuration, Object Definitions, Object Definition, make correction, CapabilityLibraryStructureVH, CapabilityCategoryVH, CapabilityGroupVH , KBA , LOD-SF-TIH-COC , Center of Capabilities , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions


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