SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3055967 - Compliance Tile are not getting triggered for candidates - Onboarding


  • Compliance tile is not triggered for the candidate and there is an error found in BPE Monitor process for the candidate.
  • An error in the logs shows: Initiate I9 event does not have mandatory data to create process object


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Login to your instance.
  2. Initiate onboarding for a candidate.
  3. Complete NHDR and PDC.
  4. The candidate receives and email from DocuSign asking to sign compliance documents.
  5. But compliance tile is not being created and an error is found in BPE Monitor Process.


Caused by: com.successfactors.maestro.ProcessEngineException: Error while executing SCA command [com.successfactors.onb2compliance.service.i9.GetI9StartedEventContext]
Caused by: Initiate I9 event does not have mandatory data to create process object

As per the engineering team's analysis, the BPE Process Definition ID for the candidate was not updated after the b2105 release.



  • Check the affected candidate in BPE Monitor Processes and confirm whether an error message appears in the JobID section.
    1. Navigate to Admin Center >> BPE Monitor Processes
    2. Filter out and enter the varialbles onboardingProcessId=[Candidate's process Id)
    3. In the Job ID, check if there is an exception message.
    4. Get the error ID
  • If error in the BPE Monitor Process is found, open a support ticket and provide the Error ID found


  • Check the logs using the error ID found in the BPE Monitor process and confirm whether the error shows the following cause:
    • Caused by: com.successfactors.maestro.ProcessEngineException: Error while executing SCA command [com.successfactors.onb2compliance.service.i9.GetI9StartedEventContext]
    • Caused by: Initiate I9 event does not have mandatory data to create process object
  • Reach out to the engineering team to update the BPE process definition ID for the candidate.


INC063433, INC0506744, Compliance Tile, Compliance Tile did not trigger, Compliance, BPE Monitor Process error , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-PFE , BPE Process Flow Error Handling , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 2011