- PD Web has stopped responding recently.
- Size of files cmrserver_yyyy-mm-dd.log is really big, e.g. 4.5-5 GB.
- File cmrserver.log reports the same message lot's of times:
com.sybase.cmr.common.utils.RTFXMLReader.transformXML2HTML: Stream Closed
javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Stream Closed - Tomcat file portalserver16-stdout.log reports:
com.sybase.cmr.common.utils.FortifyLog.directLog( javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: The element type "list" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</list>". - Tomcat file portalserver16-std-err.log reports:
ERROR: 'The element type "list" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</list>".'
ERROR: ' The element type "list" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</list>".'
An exception occurred : java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method com.tetrasix.majix.rtf.RtfFontSchema.getFontName() of a null object loaded from local variable 'fontSchema' - Excerpts from repository.xml:
<!-- Logging Configuration -->
<bean class="java.lang.Object" id="cmr.server.config.logging">
<param name="logFileName" value="cmrserver.log"/>
Specifies the minimum level of importance for the messages to be written to the log file.
Permitted values from most to least verbose are: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
<param name="logLevel" value="Error"/>
Specifies how the log file should be rolled over. Permitted values are:
Daily rolling - [default] the file rolls over after a certain time. Specify the duration and the format of the log file name in the date pattern field below.
File size rolling - the file rolls over when it reaches a certain size. Specify the maximum file size in the field below.
<param name="logFilePattern" value="Daily rolling"/>
<!-- Specifies the maximum size before the log file is truncated, in MB. -->
<param name="logMaxFileSize" value="128"/>
<!-- Specifies to create a new log file each time the server is restarted. -->
<param name="logTruncateLogFile" value="false"/>
<!-- Specifies the format to give to dates in the log file. -->
<param name="logDatePattern" value="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.7
SAP PowerDesigner 16.7
cmr, portal, performance, CR825011, CR#825011, 825011 , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Known Error
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