SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3056533 - Not Able to Create Consistent External Customer Invoice Request using Web Service


You are trying to upload a Customer Invoice using Web Service, however, you are facing errors such as: With entered unit of mesure the proposed unit of measure cannot be found.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Customer Invoicing Work Center - Invoice Requests View
  2. Search for External Customer Invoice Request ABC (where ABC stands for the External Customer Invoice Request).
  3. You can see the Status is Inconsistent
  4. Click Check button
  5. Error: With entered unit of mesure the proposed unit of measure cannot be found
  6. Warning: Error during product specific quantity conversion from Number of packs into Number of packs


You can fist check the Quantity Unit which is active or not in your system in your Business ConfigurationActivity: Quantities and Units of Measure

You can see NMP: Number of Packs, Status: 2 - Released.

When creating the payload request or the file input document, please check that the correct Quantity (Unit) and Quantity Type Code are being passed.


This is the expected system behavior.

In this case, according to the accepted UoM (Unit of Measurement) codes by the system, <QuantityTypeCode>NMP</QuantityTypeCode> should be maintained in the coding.

For example:

<Quantity unitCode="NMP">1.0</Quantity>

See Also

KBA  2788104 - Quantity Unit Error When Uploading Customer Invoice

KBA  2804919 - Not Able to Create External Customer Invoice Request with Customized UoM in Item Line


External Customer Invoice Request; NMP; Number of Packs; Quantity Code; Quantity Unit; UoM; Unit of Measure; , KBA , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


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