SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3056820 - What is the default parent node when you add member in the story in SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning (SAC)


You want to know how the system determines the Parent Node when you add a new member in a story in SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning (SAC).


  • SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) 2021.7.2


If you right click on dimension A cells to start the 'New member', then only for dimension A, the parent node of the newly added member can be inherited from the selected cell. For other dimensions like dimension B, the first member of all available members will be picked as the default parent node of newly added member, unassigned member(ID '#') will not be picked if it's the first one.

The 'all available members' technically refers to a data structure in the code returned from the SAC backend, not the list in the member selector UI.
This data structure is sorted ascendingly by the dimension ID as strings. That means if you have 2 member IDs 9 and 1011, 1011 is sorted before 9.

See Also

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SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics,Error, Issue, System, Data, User, Unable, Access, Sac, Acquisition, Model, Connect, Story, Tenant, Import, Failed, Using, Working, member on the fly, member-on-the-fly , KBA , LOD-ANA-PL-MOF , New Line and Member on the Fly , How To


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