SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3059557 - Leading zeros for Segment ID in SSCUI Define Segment 102357


In the SSCUI Define Segment (ID 102357) the leading zeros of a Segment Id is lost on Save.

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Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to App Manage Your Solution.
  2. Follow Path: Configure your solution>Area: Fianance, Subarea: Master and Organizational Data, Configuration item: Segment > Define Segment (ID 102357).
  3. In Edit mode make New Entries.
  4. Enter a segment with leading zeroes. Ex. 0001
  5. Save.
  6. Display new entry.
  7. Leading zeros are lost.


In the Segment master data table the segment data element length is 10. In the Master data table the remaining length of the Segment ID is substituted by adding leading zeros.

The View representation of the Segment ID is done by removing the leading zeros from the master data of Segment ID. This a standard system behavior.


User should not define the Segment ID with leading zeros.


102357, SSCUI, Define, Segment, leading zeros, S4_PC, FAGL_SEGM , KBA , FI-FIO-GL , Fiori UI for General Ledger Accounting , FI-FIO-GL-2CL , Fiori UI for General Ledger Accounting (Public Cloud) , Problem


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