SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3059807 - How to create EPIC workflow email notification


EPIC provides the feature to send an e-mail notification to the processors of a work item to inform them about a coming deadline violation. 

This KBA describes the steps how to set up the configuration for the feature.


  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud


Please refer to the specific steps as below:

  1. Open app "Maintain Email Templates".
  2. On Tab Predelivered, select template FI_EPIC_WF_APPROVAL_EMAIL_IMP, then click button "Copy".
  3. Click the new created Email template, navigate to the corresponding language.
  4. Open app "Manage Workflows for Payment Items Approval".
  5. On the screen of Manage Workflow, click Add button to create a new workflow.
  6. On the workflow step, set deadline for the workflow step.
  7. Then save and activate the workflow.  Make sure only one workflow is active.


EPIC workflow email notification, Maintain Email Templates, F1306, Manage Workflows for Payment Items Approval, F5111, FI_EPIC_WF_APPROVAL_EMAIL_IMP , KBA , FI-LOC-EPI-CN , China , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions