SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3060434 - [b2105] Unable to apply or search jobs on the Internal Career Site - Recruiting Management


When users are trying to search jobs on the Internal Career Site, error is showing.

Example of error upon clicking the Search Jobs button

errorId=null, timestamp=null, errorMessage=Syntax error, errorName=JSONError, server=109sc4bcf09t, versionInfo=Release%3A%20%20%2020210518132143%0AServer%3A%20%20%20%20109sc4bcf09t%0ATimestamp%3A%202021-05-19T16%3A46%3A38.882-0400


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management

Reproducing the Issue

1. Go to Careers Page.

2. Try to click the Search Jobs button.

3. Error will show.


This is a known issue and a workaround is provided by our Engineering team.

Please try the following steps
1. Go to the Location filter field on the affected Job Requisition.
2. Unselect the picklist value from the Location field.
3. Click on the right pane on the screen.
4. Select again the picklist and Click Save at the bottom of the page.
5. Go to Careers Page.
6. Enter the Job Requisition id.
7. Click Search Jobs.
8. You will be able to see the Job posted.

We have tried to test this with our Internal team and if all the Job Requisitions posted are updated by the above steps, the error will not be shown when you clear the filter search.

Case is created for this issue to get resolved.


Internal career site issue, 1H 2021 , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-APP , Applicants and Job Applications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Core 2105 ; SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions