SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3060623 - Payment Allocation Error "Combining advices of advice collection and other payments not possible"


You try to post a Payment Allocation, however you receive an error "Combining advices of advice collection and other payments not possible".


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Payment Management work center.
  2. Select the view Payment Allocation.
  3. Search and find Allocation ID XYZ (XYZ represents the allocation ID).
  4. Go to the Payment Confirmations/Returns tab.
  5. You can see there are items added to the bottom of the screen.
  6. You can see the post button is available to be selected.
  7. Select Post.

Error Appears: "Combining advices of advice collection and other payments not possible".


There are multiple payments selected in this Payment Allocation.

  • Payment 1 - Payment Advise that has been selected in the payment allocation is a credit amount. Open the Payment Advise you will see that the Advice Type = Bank Credit Advise. This is an Incoming payment.
  • Payment 2 - Is an Outgoing Payment

Because you have both incoming and outgoing items selected the error appears, both cannot be used in a single transaction.


If the Payment Method used in the Payment Allocation is Incoming, then you must remove the Outgoing item. And if Payment Method used in the Payment Allocation is Outgoing, then you must remove the Incoming Item.

In Payment Allocation XYZ the Payment Allocation Payment Method is Other Incoming Payments, so I will remove the Outgoing item.

  1. Edit Payment Allocation XYZ.
  2. Go to the Payment Assignment Tab.
  3. From the lower table, highlight the Manual Payment.
  4. Move it back to the upper table, by selecting the up arrow.
  5. There is now a new open amount of the payment allocation.
  6. You may choose another Incoming payments item, and move it to the table below.
  7. Or you can go to the Customer/Supplier tab, specify a customer or supplier, and choose Assign on Account Payment to directly assign the open amount to account.

Once you make the above changes you can post the Payment Allocation.


Payment Allocation, Payment Advise, Combining advices , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , SRD-FIN-MOP , Payment Management , Problem


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