SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3060702 - Inactive courses appearing in JAM search


  • Inactive courses are appearing in the JAM search engine and these inactive courses should not appear.
  • Why are there inactive courses in JAM search.
  • JAM search bar is displaying inactive courses.


SAP Jam Collaboration


Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log into the affected instance
  2. Go to JAM
  3. Search for a course that has been made inactive on the LMS side, and it will appear.
  4. If you click on the "take the course" link it doesn't appear in the business record -> Learning -> Items 


  • This is because Jam will store the title of the external object and make it searchable.
  • When C4C delete this item C4C will not tell Jam, Jam will still keep the title and the link.
  • So you can search it out, but when you click it, you will find this object no longer exists in C4C.


  • This is a known limitation and is expected behaviour. 
  • We suggest customer disable the search for the external object if they treat those as sensitive data (There is a configuration on External Type). 


JAM, inactive, course, search , error, c4c, display, incorrect, issue , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-INT , Integration with SF BizX , LOD-SF-JAM , SAP Jam , LOD-SF-JAM-LMS , Integration with LMS , LOD-SF-JAM-C4C , Integration with C4C , Problem


SAP Jam Collaboration 1905