SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3060871 - Guide to Messaging Patterns in SAP Cloud Integration


Messaging Patterns can be used to implement a specific solution to a commonly recurring issue. For example, you might have a sender system connected to multiple receiver systems, and any messages sent must go to a specific receiver based on the content of the message. Or perhaps you wish to send a message to multiple receivers and aggregate all of their responses into one single message. Such scenarios can be easily implemented using messaging patterns. SAP Cloud Integration provides the ability to implement many different Integration Patterns, and the purpose of this KBA is to act as a starting point for identifying which messaging patterns may best suit your needs and how to start implementing them. 



  • SAP Cloud Integration
  • SAP Integration Suite


SAP Integration Suite all versions


SAP Cloud Integration, SAP Integration Suite, Cloud Platform Integration, CPI, HANA Cloud Integration, HCI, Integration, Aggregator, messages, pattern, message pattern, integration pattern, iFlow, integration flow, Splitter, General Splitter, Iterating splitter, content enricher, content based routing, content filter, message filter, message mapping, sender, receiver, recipient list, static routing, dynamic routing, scatter, gather, split , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-WT-IFL , Integration Designer , How To

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