XS Advanced (XSA) fails to start.
- xscontroller_0.log shows the same or similar error messages, as below.
[2021-05-10 13:15:32:800]-[Controller.App]-[error]-[controller]-[balancing - 1]: Crashed instance [state CRASHED, index 2] of droplet [id 5] of app 'cockpit-web-app' [Org 'HANACockpit', Space 'SAP'] at [hostname:40343] with failure reason: FAILED to materialize droplet: Failed to materialize droplet with id 4eb0a2b4-ecff-44db-af4a-04de34ce7e35. Exception message: Write error, No space left on device (path /hana/shared/H4C/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/5fbf8b3a-8577-4f1c-a421-aced3538705d/app/node_modules/@sap/audit-logging/node_modules/requestretry/node_modules/lodash/fp/isError.js, working dir /hana/shared/H4C/xs/bin)
- In the relevant app log (e.g xs logs cockpit-web-app), it contains the same error messages.
5/10/21 1:15:32.797 PM [API] ERR Crashed instance [state CRASHED, index 2] of droplet [id 5] of app 'cockpit-web-app' [Org 'HANACockpit', Space 'SAP'] at [hostname:40343] with failure reason: FAILED to materialize droplet: Failed to materialize droplet with id 4eb0a2b4-ecff-44db-af4a-04de34ce7e35. Exception message: Write error, No space left on device (path /hana/shared/H4C/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/5fbf8b3a-8577-4f1c-a421-aced3538705d/app/node_modules/@sap/audit-logging/node_modules/requestretry/node_modules/lodash/fp/isError.js, working dir /hana/shared/H4C/xs/bin)
- 'xs a' command shows it is in status "DOWN!".
cockpit-web-app STARTED 0/1 512 MB DOWN! https://hostname:51028
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP HANA XS Advanced
XSA, XS Advanced, No space left on device, Write error, No space left on device, DOWN, HANA Cockpit , KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , HAN-CPT-CPT2 , SAP HANA Cockpit version 2 - based on XSA , Problem
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