SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3061992 - Opportunity Created by an Employee is Not Visible for a User


 Opportunity created by an employee XYZ is not visible for the user PQR.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to New Business - Opportunities.
  2. Search for the Opportunity ABC (ABC represents the Opportunity ID).
  3. System shows: No Record Found.


For the user PQR, the employee XYZ who created the opportunity is not selected under access restriction. Therefore the user doesn't have the authorization to view the opportunties created by the employee XYZ.


  1. Go to Application and User Management work center - Business Users view
  2. Select the User PQR (PQR represents the User ID)
  3. Click on Edit -> Access Rights
  4. Naviagte to Access Restrictions tab
  5. Search for the CRM_OPPORTUNITYTABLEVIEW under Work Center View ID
  6. Under Detailed Restrictions, select the employee XYZ (XYZ represents the Employee ID)
  7. Enable relevant Read and Write access
  8. Click on Save. 


CRM_OPPORTUNITYTABLEVIEW; User; Employee; Access Rights; No records found; Opporrunity , KBA , SRD-CRM-OPP , Opportunities , Problem


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