SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3062021 - The field status for account group cannot be edit in SSCUI 103508.


The requirement is to change field status for account group in SSCUI 103508, but it is not possible to edit the configuration.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

Change the field status in SSCUI 103508.


See the configuration help for SSCUI 103508:

Standard Settings

Standard chart of accounts YCOA and the standard account groups defined for it are delivered by SAP and cannot be changed. However, you can define your own account groups in namespace Y and Z.


Try to define your own account groups and change the field status if necessary.


Create your own account groups for the operational standard chart of accounts YCOA in namespace Y and Z either by copying and adjusting the delivered account group (using Copy As…) or by creating your own account groups (using New Entries). You can process all fields in your own account groups.

After you have saved your newly-created account groups, change the field status.

If you have created your own field groups, all fields have Optional Entry status by default. If you have created account groups by copying, the field status of the group that was copied is transferred.

You can delete account groups created in namespace Y and Z, provided that they are not assigned to any G/L accounts.


account group, field status, 103508, change, edit. , KBA , FI-FIO-GL-MD , Master Data Apps , FI-FIO-GL-MD-2CL , Master Data Apps (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions