You have a Demand XXX which has a Requested Date. This Demand was released and after that, the date for incoming stock has changed. You run the Confirmation Update Run, however the date in Demand XXX is not updated.
XXX = Customer Demand ID
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Outbound Logistics Control work center.
- Select Customer Demand view.
- Find the relevant Order ID.
- Notice that the Confirmed Date did not change after you run the Confirmation Update Run.
The actions the Confirmation Update Run does are:
First, the run cancels the allocation for the documents (which is the same as selecting Actions > Cancel Confirmation in Customer Demand). Then the run checks availability again (which is the same as selecting Actions > Check Availability in Customer Demand).
These actions are only available for order line items that have been partially released or not released.
You need to rejected the created Delivery Request in order to make the Confirmation Update Run work:
- Go to Outbound Logistics Control work center.
- Select Customer Demand view.
- Find and open the relevant Customer Demand.
- Click View All.
- Go to Document Flow.
- Open the related Outbound Delivery Request.
- Click View All.
- Go to Line Items.
- Select Reject for the lines.
- Now schedule the Confirmation Update Run again.
Sales; order; ATP , KBA , sales , order , atp , AP-SDM-MSD , Material Supply and Demand View , How To