SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3063425 - Job boards contacts - Recruiting Posting


Can Recruiting Posting provide any sales or technical job boards contacts?


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting


Recruiting Posting cannot share any job boards contacts. The technical contacts used during the integration process are specific ones, and may not be in charge of contracts or job board activations.

Furthermore, if you encounter any posting or credentials issue, and the posting logs need to be shared with the job board, Recruiting Posting Support team will ask you to provide your job board contact, as in most cases these errors will be related to your credentials/configuration.

See Also

2651187 - New job board integration - Recruiting Posting

2773045 - Job board integration update - Recruiting Posting


Recruiting posting, RPO, contact, contacts job board, jobboard , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-JOB , Job Offer not to be found/ to be removed to Job Boards , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting all versions