You are looking for a method of detecting and processing erronous output items.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
1. Monitor output with Manage Output Items app
This app gives you a central overview of outputs sent via various channels and their status.
It lets you view and process multiple outputs at the same time, for example for error analysis and correction.
With this app you can:
Identify single failed outputs
Analyze why an output failed
Mass process output items
Send output items
Duplicate completed output items
Retry the sending of output items
Set output items to completed
2. Monitor erroneous output with user-specific notifications
The Situation Template Output Item Processing Error (technical name: CA_OC_OUTPUT_ITEM_ERROR) can be used for situation handling.
Using this template the system proactively informs key users about errors in output processing and provides a link to the Manage Output Items app. Key users can do a deeper analysis and perform follow-up actions there.
Please check this video on situation handling in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
3. Scheduling Output
Some applications allow to schedule output runs and to specify which output items to process.
For example in SD Billing using Schedule Billing Output app you can reduce system load and processing times by running billing document output during periods when system usage is lower.
Three different processing modes provide you with granular control over your scheduled output jobs, enabling you to selectively resend output items as required.
You can choose between the following processing modes:
First processing: Only output items with the status To Be Output are selected for processing.
Error processing: Only output items with the status Error are selected for processing.
Repeat processing: Only output items that have already been processed with status Completed or Error are selected for processing.
See Also
2941522 - Output Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition - Guided Answer
3013470 - SAP S/4HANA output control - Issues with output
2861070 - SAP S/4HANA output control - How to restart stuck output
print, output, technical error, retry output, KPRO, SOAP, 1LQ, output item, stuck, to be output status, , KBA , CA-GTF-OC , SAP S/4HANA output management , SD-BIL-GF-OC , Output Control Billing , How To