You are running an update/upgrade on SLT (SAP Landscape transformation Replication Server) system. The system is being used for ETL activities.
You are using nZDM (Near zero downtime) option of SUM and currently stuck at phase MAIN_DTTRANS/DOWNCONF_DTTRANS waiting for CRR replication to complete. SUM shows below:
*You cannot enter the downtime yet.* You must wait until the replication
progress has reached at least 75 percent.
The replication does not complete for multiple hours. It is waiting for table IUUC_REPL_LTNCY to be completely replicated.
Software Update Manager 1.0/2.0
SLT (SAP Landscape transformation Replication Server) system.
Near Zero Downtime option of SUM.
MAIN_DTTRANS, IUUC_REPL_LTNCY, DOWNCONF_DTTRANS, You cannot enter the downtime yet, nZDM, Near Zero Downtime, SUM, CRR, CRR Control, CRR_CONTROL , KBA , BC-UPG-DTM-TLA , Downtime Minimization for ABAP , Problem
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