- Modifications have been made to the hdbuserstore on application server.
- After the adjustment, the SAP application cannot start.
- The user-password can be confirmed to be the correct input, the user can logon normally to HANA Studio.
- Development workprocess trace contains these errors:
C <day> <month> <D> <HH>:<MM>:<SS>
C *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc=1, rcSQL=10
[dbhdbsql.cpp 466]
C SQLERRTEXT : authentication failed
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 10 performing CON [dbsh 1299]
B ***LOG BY0=> authentication failed [dbsh 1299]
B ***LOG BY2=> sql error 10 performing CON [dblink 685]
B ***LOG BY0=> authentication failed [dblink 685]
M ***LOG R19=> ThDbConnect, db_connect () [thxxtool.c 6020]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step TH_INIT, thRc ERROR-DB-CONNECT_ERROR, action STOP_WP, level 1) [thxxhead.c 2762]
- trans.log shows the following issues:
4 ETW000 R3trans version <version> (release <release>).
4 ETW000 unicode enabled version
4 ETW000 ===============================================
4 ETW000
4 ETW000 date&time : DD.MM.YYY - HH:MM:SS
4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>
4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: R3trans -d
4 ETW000 trace at level 1 opened for a given file pointer
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] <timestamp>
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Loading DB library '<path>' ...
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Library '<path>' loaded
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Version of '<path>' is "<version>", patchlevel (<patchlevel>)
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] ...
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Load library <path>/
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLDBC Version : <version>
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLDBC Module : <path>/
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Load library <path>/
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Loading SQLDBC client runtime (pid=<pid>)...
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLDBC Runtime : libSQLDBCHDB <version>
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] Try to connect via secure store (DEFAULT) on connection 0 ...
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] connect property <property>
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] connect property <property>
4 ETW000 [dbhdbsql.cpp,00000] *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc=1, rcSQL=10
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLCODE : 10
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLERRTEXT : authentication failed
4 ETW000 [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY2=>sql error 10 performing CON
4 ETW000 [ dblink ,00000] ***LOG BY0=>authentication failed
2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = HDB
- SAP Hana Platform Edition 1.0
- SAP Hana Platform Edition 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
hana 1.0, hana 2.0, hdbuserstore, hdbuserstore key, Connect to database failed, rc=1, rcSQL=10, authentication failed , KBA , BC-DB-HDB-POR , Dictionary & Consistency checks for SAP HANA , Problem
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