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3069848 - Performance: Fiori OData query string ignores or removes or drops $top and $skip and loads the complete collection and ignores filter


  • Fiori application when deployed typically uses the $top of $skip query to filter out large data to help with performance
    • In this case when extending (customizing) a UI5 application with some known APIs (ex: Success Factors or others) and deploying it to the Cloud Platform, it appears that the $top and $skip parameters are dropped or ignored and causes a great deal of performance impact by loading the entirety of the data from the Odata services
  • What is causing the $top and $skip to be skipped or dropped?
  • Is the runtime removing this $top and $skip?



SAPUI5 1.8X or later


SAPUI5 1.0


"Fiori $top","Fiori $skip","SAPUI5 $top","SAPUI5 $skip","Performance UI5 Table","Peformance loading all OData","The entire collection being loaded in SAPUI5","Query String Parameters","UI5 Filter parameters","How to improve UI5 performance" , KBA , CA-UI5-TBL , SAP UI5 table, smart table, list and tree controls , CA-UI5-COR , Core and Runtime , Problem

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