SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3070935 - Status of PO in app 'Manage Purchase Order' is not clear


Status of PO in app 'Manage Purchase Order' is not clear.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud All versions

Reproducing the Issue

Open app 'Manage Purchase Order' to check status of PO.


More details about design logic can be found below.


This field is control by value of PurchasingDocumentStatus

1st level: header.PurchasingDocumentDeletionCode
The Purchase order will be marked as deleted => Deleted
The PO Header status will be changed to 'deleted', if the whole PO is getting the deletion flag in EKKO-LOEKZ( = 'X'    or  = 'L' ).

This field will be only updated by the archiving process.

If all items of a PO are set as deleted, this does not update the EKKO-LOEKZ.

2nd level: header.PurchasingCompletenessStatus
Do not mix it up with technical drafts with Fiori App => Draft
PO is not completed and in status held. The PO was created but could not be saved without errors, but was parked for later usage. 

3rd level: header.PurchasingProcessingStatus
Status is set to rejected => Rejected
If the PO is send to approval and was rejected.

4th level: header.ReleaseIsNotCompleted
Set status to in approval => In Approval
If the PO approval is still ongoing, no decision was taken yet

5th level om_error.output_error
Set status to output error => Output Error
In case the PO was approved and should be send, but during output creation an error occurred.

6th level: pos_ekbe.FollowDocsExist
If there are follow-on documents like Goods Reciept or Service Entry Sheet set status to Follow-On Doucments => Follow-On Documents

7th level: om_new.msg
Set status to Sent => Sent
If there is an output message send (new output management).

8th level: case om_old.msg
Set status to Sent => Sent
If there is an output message send (old output management).

9th level other case
Set status to Not Sent Yet = > Not Sent Yet
If everything is fine, but no output was send (no error, but scheduling for example).


KBA , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105