SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3071344 - Upload Custom Font To The Font-Family Of The Email Content Drop Down


You want to add custom fonts to the Font-family dropdown menu during editing an Email on Content Studio app.


  • SAP Marketing Cloud Edition
  • SAP Marketing OnPremise starting with release 1709


As of now, it is not possible to add new Font-family to the drop down menu in Content Studio.


You have 2 alternative options to change the font of the content:

  1. 1. You can upload an HTML document and using the "@font-face" function. Help Document to upload HTML documents: More about the "@font-face" function:
  2. You can overwrite the form classes in the email lite and landing page using the embedded Custom Class(Custom Css option), For example to change the overall font style and size of the form, below code can be used:  

.sapCpContentPage {
    font-family: Barlow-Black;
    font-size: 14px;

Also can request an enhancement in our Customer Influence site:


Custom Font, Email, Email Content , KBA , CEC-MKT-MEM , Content Studio: E-Mails and other messages , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105