SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3071479 - Job not posted on IIMJOBS job board - Recruiting Posting


The job that I posted on IIMJOBS job board in Recruiting Posting, is not published.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting


Your job is not posted on IMMJObs because:

  • You don't have a job board contract.
  • To post your job on IMMJObs from Recruiting Posting, you must opt for ATS integration (this option is charged by the job board).


You need to reach out to the job board and check if your contract is active and the option "ATS integration" set up on the job board site.

See Also

2563733 - Job posting is not published on job boards - Recruiting Posting


Recruiting posting, RPO, job, offer, not posted, IIMJOBS, not published, error, not online, configuration, URL redirection,  ATS integration , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-JOB , Job Offer not to be found/ to be removed to Job Boards , LOD-SF-RPO-JSM , Job Boards/Schools Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting all versions