There is the need to embed Fiori Launchpad on an iFrame of a site in a different domain. The following SAP Note and the corresponding notes are followed but still the Fiori launchpad cannot be opened within the iFrame and you find the reason is the Fiori login page is blocked (e.g. in the case SSO is not enabled).
- 2333957 - Clickjacking Framing Protection in SAP Fiori Launchpad for NW AS ABAP basen on a list of allowed domains
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP
- SAP Fiori Launchpad
/UI2/CL_SRA_LOGIN, Clickjacking, Clickjacking Allowlist, Clickjacking whitelist, X-FRAME-OPTIONS, /UI2/CL_FIORI3_LOGIN, secure cross-origin framing, iFrame , KBA , MOB-UIA-LIB-AUT , Authentication , Problem
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