You have created Production Order KLM for which in corresponding Bill of Material DEF you have selected(or ticked) few input products for Variant GHI, However you see Production Order KLM has all the input products which includes (ticked and non-ticked.)*KLM refers to Production Order id, *DEF refrers to Production BoM, *GHI refers to Variant id
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Planning and Production Master Work Center
- Go to Production BoM
- Select BoM DEF and edit
- Tick few input products for Variant GHI and Save
We could see in BoM DEF, User had ticked Required check box which indicates that "Assign a line item from each line item group to each variant that you create , to ensure that you do not leave out any input products in your variant".
Request you to Untick Required field in BoM DEF save the changes in BoM, and the save and release the production model, this should consider only the ticked input products.
System considers all input products while creating production order, although only few input products are ticked for Variant, Untick Required field in BoM , Ticked Variants, Unticked variants , KBA , ticked variants , unticked variants , input products are ticked for variant , AP-PMM-BOM , Production Bill of Material , Problem