1) Data transfer between One Exposure table (FQM_FLOW) using IDOC with the Message Type CMSEND between S/4 Hana systems.
2) Below message appears during data transfer between S/4Hana system:
Exception IDOC generation failed in FM: MASTER_IDOC_CREATE_CMSEND
Message no. RQ335
S4 Hana, S4CORE, 1709,1809,1909,2020, 2021,2022
FF$3, Central cash management, cash management data migration, FQM_CMSND_SOURCE, distributed cash management, FF$4, FQM_CMSND_SOURCE, FQMCMSNDSOURCE , Migration, S/4Hana, S4 Hana, migration, MASTER_IDOC_CREATE_CMSEND, RQ335, IDOC , KBA , loop process , FIN-FSCM-FQM , One Exposure , FIN-FSCM-CLM , SAP Cash Management , How To
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