An SAP instance does not start completely (it stays in state "yellow").
You can logon to the instance using SAP GUI, and the ICM status is shown as "Not running" at the transaction SMICM, although you can see the ICM process running at operating system level.
The dev_icm trace ends with entries similar to the below:
[Thr 139948177086208] <date and time>
[Thr 139948177086208] IcmAddHiddenService: Hidden service H2 started
[Thr 139948177086208] Started service PORT=<port number>,PROT=HTTP,TIMEOUT=3600,PROCTIMEOUT=3600
[Thr 139948177086208] IcmAddHiddenService: Hidden service WEBSOCKETS started
[Thr 139948177086208] Added service PORT=<port number>,PROT=HTTPS,TIMEOUT=3600,PROCTIMEOUT=3600,VCLIENT=1
[Thr 139948178138880] *** ERROR => RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync: RqQSendDg failed (rc=-6) [dpQueue.c 3951]
[Thr 139948178138880] *** ERROR => RqQAddRequest: RqQQueueNotifySelectableHandleAsync failed (rc=-1) [dpQueue.c 4634]
[Thr 139948177086208] Started service PORT=<port number>,PROT=SMTP,TIMEOUT=3600,PROCTIMEOUT=3600
[Thr 139948177086208] IcmNetCheck: network check passed without detecting problems
(...END OF FILE...)
If SAP is being installed (i.e., the installation of a new system is being performed), SWPM shows the following error:
"(...) Last error reported by the step: The JVM reports an exception during execution of class ( ) and function executeStepClass. DETAILS: The reported error message from JVM is: (104) JCO_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE: Exception condition "ICM_NO_HTTP_SERVICE" triggered (Remote shortdump: RAISE_EXCEPTION in system [<SID>|<hostname>|<Instance Number>]) (...)"
- SAP NetWeaver release indepenent
KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , BC-INS , Installation Tools (SAP Note 1669327) , Problem
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