For business requirements, a navigation ($expand) from CompetencyEntity, is needed to get capabilityCategory and capabilityGroup name, description and external code, as well as information on what capabilityGroup is associated, what capabilityCategory is associated to the group.
The field type of capabilityCategory and capabilityGroup in Configure Object Definitions is Generic Object, whereas in OData API dictionary is string field with the visibility set to "false". OData API for competencyEntity is not matching the MDF object definition.
- Configure Object Definitions for Competency Entity:
- OData API Dictionary screenshot:
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- OData API
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to OData API Dictionary
- Look for CompetencyEntity
- Vew the capabilityCategory and capabilityGroup fields
- Now go to Configure Object Definitions and search for the CompetencyEntity
- What is observed is that capabilityCategory and capabilityGroup have generic object type
The fields, capabilityCategory and capabilityGroup introduced in b2105 release, will not be a part of Odata v2 API.
Previously it was planned to publish the fields described in the Symptom section within OData v4 APIs
However, as of now, there is no support for OData V4 APIs due to changes in scope requirement.
To understand what is & is not supported in OData API v4 within SF, please refer to the below guide which holds the most current information for feature support in SF OData API v4:
OData v2 APIs can still be used to create the Competency the old way.
See Also
OData API, Center Of Capabilities, OData Dictionary, Configure Object Definitions , KBA , LOD-SF-TIH-COC , Center of Capabilities , LOD-SF-TIH , Talent Intelligence Hub and Job Profiles , Problem